Report presenting the evidence-based framework for Whānau Ora, a tikanga Māori guided, whānau-centred social policy initiative. Whānau ora provides cross-sectoral support to achieve whānau wellbeing, with a self-determined, te ao Māori approach. Identifies five main objectives: “strengthened whānau capabilities; an integrated approach to whānau wellbeing; collaborative relationships between state agencies that are broader than contractual; improved cost-effectiveness; and value for money”. Evidence of the “effectiveness of whānau-centred services” collated by reviewing relevant literature, public engagement and case study research. Public feedback was received in written submissions and an engagement process of 22 hui attended by approximately 600 urban and rural whānau, hapū, iwi and providers. The report details common themes that emerged, particularly the need for Whānau Ora to “demonstrate sustainability and adequate resourcing” and “a Māori heart”. The five-part ‘whānau-centred’ framework consists of: a whānau aspirational aim; principles; whānau outcome goals; whānau-centred services; and the formation of the Whānau Ora Trust. These five domains are underpinned by seven principles: ngā kaupapa tuku iho; whānau opportunity; coherent service delivery; effective resourcing; competent and innovative provision; whānau opportunity; and best whānau outcomes. The phased implementation of this framework is outlined including the consideration of funding and resourcing, establishing the Whānau Ora Trust with the support of independent advice, and appointing a Whānau Ora minister.