Creating change - for people working to prevent family violence in New Zealand

Date: 2011 Period: 1990-current File: PDF 8.6 MB, 72 pages
Author: Family and Community Services
Institution: Ministry of Social Development

Resource highlighting The Campaign for Action on Family Violence, established by the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families in 2006. Part of a national strategy to prevent family violence. Known as ‘It’s not OK’, the campaign is led by the Ministry of Social Development in association with the Families Commission with the aim of ending family violence through a multi-faceted social marketing campaign which includes: “advertising, community action, community partnerships, media advocacy and training, a family violence information phone line, website, resources, and research and evaluation”. New Zealand’s small population and existing networks were used to achieve national coverage with local connections. Primary prevention initiatives are utilised to create a culture within society where violence free environments are normalised. Early (or secondary) and crisis (or tertiary) intervention measures are identified, with an acknowledgement that prevention work must be active across all three intervention levels within the community. This document presents successful community-based initiatives, in the format of case studies with key learnings to provide tools and inspiration for others to develop their own local family violence prevention initiatives.