Report by the Taskforce for Action on Violence Within Families outlining the vision, current initiatives and plans to “end family violence and promote stable, healthy families”. Chapter one sets out the vision of the Taskforce and provides an overview of how they planned to achieve it. Chapter two outlines how the Taskforce provides leadership within “families and communities, across the business, government and non-government sectors, and at the political level” to change society’s tolerance to family violence. Chapter three describes how the Taskforce intended to work to change social “attitudes and behaviour”. A plan to review of family violence related deaths is outlined with rationale as to why it was necessary and a timeline of when the work is to be completed. Chapter four sets out the “safety and accountability” for victims and offenders of family violence. Chapter five describes initiatives intended to “improve service capacity and capability” of non-government and government organisations working to prevent family violence. Document concludes with a summary of violence within families and family violence prevention strategies in New Zealand.