Inequalities highlighed in TPK report

Te Puni Kōkiri report "Progress Towards Closing the Social and Economic Gaps Between Māori and non-Māori" highlights significant  inequalities in education, employment, economic and health status.

In January 1998, Tau Hēnare, the Minister of Māori Affairs, instructed his ministry to undertake a review of the Maori Community Development Act 1962.

‘During May and June of that year, TPK officials undertook a series of 15 information hui on the proposed review to update the Act in the context of what Māori communities determined to be their development needs in the 21st century. The review was to cover ‘issues relating to a national representative body for Māori, through reform of the NZMC’.[i]

TPK released the outcome of its review, He Pūrongo Whiriwhiringa i te Ture Whakapakari Hapori Māori 1962/Discussion Paper on the Review of the Māori Community Development Act in April 1999.[ii] Following a change of government however, none of the recommended changes were implemented.[iii]


  1. [i] go to main content Wai 2417, pp. 173–174.
  2. [ii] go to main content Wai 2417, p. 174.
  3. [iii] go to main content Wai 2417, p. 219.